Internships / Observerships
R-endocrinology offers International Medical Graduates (IMGs) six-week-long Observerships or Electives to Medical Students in Hamilton, NJ.

Let’s furnish your US Residency Application for completion together!
R Endocrinology offers 4 - 6 weeks rotation to U.S Graduates and International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to gain experience. Our goal is to assist those rotating to achieve their educational objectives. Rotating interns at R-Endocrinology achieve the in-depth vision of a comprehensive endocrine practice and recent developments in treating complex endocrine issues. R-Endocrinology also has a research wing—R-Research, where interns may be involved in certain research projects. Involvement in Patient care/research is ENTIRELY voluntary with NO monetary compensation.
Internship Highlights:
Privacy and confidentiality of patients records and abiding by HIPPA regulations
No breast, Rectal, and GU exams
Detail history taking and physical exam, gathering lab data, and other investigations
Phone calls for patient care, calling primary physicians and facilities to obtain results
Cooperate with regular staff of both R-Research and R-Endocrinology
Performing certain procedures in the office on patients: EKG, Nebulizer, etc.
Get Your Application Started!
Understanding the challenges essential in securing a match in the US Residency Programs, we recognize the need for comprehensive support and proper guidance. To ensure that your application yields as many interviews as possible from US hospitals, get connected with R-Endocrinology. Not only that, but aspiring candidates will also gain access to essential materials and experiences. Fill out the form thoroughly to get your application started!

Get All Your Answers!
Where is the clinic located?
We are located in Hamilton Township, in Mercer County, New Jersey. Our full address is Suite 104, Yorkshire Professional Building, 1374, Whitehorse Hamilton Square Road, Hamilton Township, NJ 08619.
Is the rotation in-patient, outpatient, or hybrid?
Our rotation is 100% outpatient at Dr Syed W. Rizvi MD’s private office. Endocrinology is a predominantly outpatient specialty.
What is the duration of the rotation?
The rotation is for a duration of six weeks. This may be extended upon request, subject to availability. The rotation can be extended to 12 weeks if a Research arm is needed.
What is the daily schedule for the rotation?
The clinic sees patients four days a week, from Monday to Thursday. The day always starts at 8:50 am sharp and may extend until any time between 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Wednesday consists of extended hours so that the day may extend for an hour longer than usual. Fridays are academic days on which no patients are scheduled. The schedule is variable and usually consists of journal clubs, research discussions, presentations, didactics, or short trips.
What is the patient population like?
We see patients with a broad range of Internal Medicine and Endocrinological conditions, most commonly with Diabetes, Thyroid conditions, sexual/hormonal disorders, hypertension, pituitary & adrenal issues, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, and also very often rarer, more unique cases that enthusiastic rotating externs frequently write up. We do everything from SUDO (nerve) scans, TANITA scans, DEXA scans, and IM/SC injections to setting up insulin pumps and artificial pancreas inhouse.
Is it a clinical elective or an observership?
We offer a hands-on rotation for current medical students and an observership for medical graduates.
Do externs get EMR (Electronic Medical Record) access?
Yes, externs receive all options for full EMR access in rigorous accordance with HIPAA regulations. By the end of the rotation, the extern is expected to be comfortable with all relevant sections of the EMR.
What are the duties of a rotating extern?
Your minimum duties would include patient histories, medication reconciliation, taking vitals, inputting case details into the EMR, presenting the case to the doctor, and formulating a treatment plan. On Friday, externs prepare pre-assigned topics and participate in Journal club-related activities. HIPAA rules are to be observed strictly at all times.
What do I bring to the clinic?
It is mandatory to bring a stethoscope, a white coat, and a laptop to use the EMR system. All other items are optional. Physical examination is not permitted outside of checking the patient’s blood pressure.
How is the orientation conducted? Is there an onboarding session?
Our current chief intern will conduct an orientation covering all the basics of the rotation and the EMR and answer any questions you may have. It will take place the week before your start date and is usually conducted virtually on Google Meet.
What is the dress code for the clinic?
Externs are required to dress sharply and neatly as is befitting of a physician; you may opt for formals or scrubs, as you wish. White coats and stethoscopes are mandated, irrespective.
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