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Our in-house endocrinologist is ready to help revive your healing journey despite the wide and complex nature of endocrine disorders and dysfunctions.

Male & Female Hormonal & Repro Disorder

Treatment for Hormonal & Reproductive Disorders

What are male and female reproductive hormones?

Reproductive hormones are the hormones that are meant for, as the name suggests, sexual activity, development, and reproductive processes. The sex hormones in males are “androgens”, the main of which is “testosterone” while the sex hormones in females are “estrogen”, “progesterone”. The male hormones are produced by the testes, while in females sex hormones are produced by the ovaries. So, the testes and ovaries are the main sexual or reproductive organs in males and females respectively. The female hormones are responsible for menstruation, puberty, pregnancy, menopause, sex drive, and more. Similarly, male reproductive hormones are responsible for sex drive, sperm production, puberty, and more.

The pituitary gland releases, carries, and stimulates other reproductive hormones such as:

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HcG)
  • Prolactin
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
  • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

The endocrine system consists of various organs that are responsible for producing hormones, testes and ovaries are a part of this endocrine system and they are directly related to the sexual activity and reproduction in males and females. R-Endocrinology deals with all the matters involving the endocrine system and hormones. As reproduction is closely related to endocrinology, R-Endocrinology deals in specialized issues regarding sexual and reproductive health both in males and females.

Reproductive hormonal disorders:

Reproductive hormones basically control and the sexual organs, their functioning and reproductive processes overall. They are the main stimulators behind the reproductive activities. Any kind of disruption or disorder in reproductive hormones affects the sexual health of an individual, impacting overall body. The impact is not only physical in such instances; the impacts are widely spread including impacts on mental and emotional well-being. R-Endocrinology and our experts are very well aware of the sensitivity and complexity of reproductive hormonal disorders in males and females, our health professionals are well-trained to deal with any such disorder in the best possible manner, not only with the physical aspect but also with the emotional aspect of it.

Male reproductive hormonal disorder:

Testosterone Deficiency:

Male hypogonadism is a medical or hormonal condition where male sex organs i.e. testicles do not release enough testosterone. It simply can be called low testosterone level or testosterone deficiency in men too. Testosterone level needs to be at a certain level for it to carry out functions it has to perform in males. These functions include maintaining sex organs, bone density, muscle mass, body and facial hair, deeper voice and more. Testosterone is needed in men to produce sperms that are essential for sexual activity then.

Symptoms of low testosterone level in men include:

  • Exhaustion and fatigue
  • Low sex-drive
  • Loss of body hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Erectile dysfunction

Causes of low testosterone level in men can be:

  • An accident that might have damaged testicles.
  • Removal of testicles due to cancerous growth.
  • Exposure to radiations.
  • Obesity.
  • Aging.
  • Use of medication.
  • Less testosterone level by birth, ambiguous gender and many more causes can be attributed to it.
  • Diabetes
  • Drug abuse


Testosterone gels: There are testosterone skin gels or patches that are applied on the skin. Also, there are testosterone nasal gels that help improve testosterone levels in the body.

Injections: These are intramuscular injections that boost testosterone levels in the body. These injections usually have to be administered every 1 or 2 weeks.

Oral treatment: For increasing testosterone levels, there are tablets available that are sticky ones applied over the gums that help absorb them easily into the bloodstream. Other than that, a pill for low testosterone level is available which is mostly used for conditions is where testosterone levels are low by birth.

Pellets: These are under-skin implants that provide long-term and consistent results.

Female Reproductive Hormonal Disorders:


Amenorrhea refers to a condition of missed menstrual cycle. It can be a missed cycle for one month or for consecutive months. Menstruation is controlled by hormones. Hormones basically prepare uterus for pregnancy every month, when there is no pregnancy, the uterine lining is discarded of body. That actually is period. There are two types of Amenorrhea:

  • Primary Amenorrhea: The condition where a girl, above 15 of age has been experiencing puberty in different ways but hasn’t experienced her first period.
  • Secondary Amenorrhea: Secondary Amenorrhea is a condition where a girl has been getting regular period but stops having it for a few months.

Symptoms: The symptoms include:

  • Dryness around vagina
  • Hot flashes
  • Acne
  • Hair growth


  • Genetic issues in case of primary amenorrhea, hormonal issues arising from pituitary glands, abnormal growth of organ.
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Uterus removal surgeries or intervention in uterus

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

Polycystic ovaries are the ovaries that have large follicles. These follicles are usually harmless but their presence in the form of sacs restricts the production of eggs resulting in delayed or absent ovulation. These follicles or cysts develop due to an increased production of androgens. Androgens are male sex hormones and are present in females in very small quantities. The presence of androgens in large amounts leads to abnormality in ovaries, due to which cysts are formed.

Symptoms: The symptoms include:

  • Irregularity in menstruation cycle
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal growth of body hair
  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Pain in stomach


Hirsutism is another hormonal condition characterized by abnormal, unexpected and unwanted growth of hair. This growth also usually occurs in the parts where hair does not grow. This a disorder that takes place due to irregularities in the endocrine system. These conditions are most of the times treatable and manageable. R-Endocrinology offers treatment in these areas and has experts dealing with such issues that are quite often embarrassing for teenagers/women to discuss. A professionally trained team can deal with such situations very wisely and fruitfully.

Turner syndrome:

Turner syndrome can be defined as a genetic hormonal disorder that takes place usually in one of every 2,500 females. Young girls are impacted by this syndrome in various ways, prominently encompassing the female reproduction system. Turner syndrome maneuvers standard body development and impedes usual changes that are normally the outcome of puberty when a child transitions to adulthood. Additional health difficulties might also be caused that concern the heart or renal system (i.e., kidneys), although these health difficulties and the severity of each of them would be different among different women. Most of the health complications disturbing girls with Turner syndrome can be coped or altered with suitable medical treatment.

Premature ovarian failure:

Premature ovarian failure, also named as, hypofunction is a condition that is associated to the restrained function of the ovaries plus declined creation of hormones in the female reproduction system. Ovarian hypofunction can be instigated by genetic endocrine disorders and factors such as chromosome abnormalities, or it may occur with certain autoimmune disorders that disrupt normal ovarian function. Additionally, women undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer treatment may experience premature ovarian failure.

R-Endocrinology offers modern equipment and techniques to deal with the physical and emotional aspects of all above mentioned hormonal disorders. Reproductive hormonal disorders can be physically as well as emotionally draining. Therefore, R-Endocrinology attaches vital importance to the treatment in the best possible manner with the best possible techniques.

With this, R-Endocrinology has the latest equipment, testing facilities, health experts, doctors and supporting staff, who are there to diagnose, treat and manage the patient with utmost care and compassion. Additionally, our services are internationally recognized and sought after.

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